Pulp and Paper Industry

Hazard Control Technologies has been involved in many applications within the pulp and paper industry but they are diverse. Basic applications include F-500 EA Concentrate Control Supply (CCS) systems for warehousing and other areas and firefighting throughout the plants.

F-500 EA Concentrate Control Supply (CCS) Systems

A large pulp and paper company in Georgia had a fire in a hydraulic pit with hydraulic oil-soaked pulp. Water would not extinguish the fire. The local fire company applied AFFF without success. A second engine arrived and extinguished the fire in minutes with F-500 EA. The paper company was so impressed, they installed an F-500 EA CCS system. Warehousing is another application for CCS systems.


A 15,000-gallon talloil (turpentine) tank overflowed and caught on fire at a pulp and paper plant in Florida. The plant’s own fire brigade had the fire out in seconds using F-500 EA. The vessel was cool to the touch. They were pleased they chose F-500 EA; it saved their plant. F-500 EA has been used to extinguish fires at pulp and paper plants on recycling stock piles, wood chips, pulp, dust, hydraulic oil and warehouses.

Coal Handling Systems

Many pulp and paper plants produce their own power from coal. Those who do, experience the same coal handling problems experienced by municipal coal power generating facilities. They often attend the PRB Coal Users’ Group Annual Meeting and learn how F-500 EA, coal hazard awareness training, piercing rods and F-500 EA portable delivery systems can make their plants safer. HCT has even provided Incident Management Response Specialists to help mitigate coal fires.


TES_F5_PAP_Buckeye Letter.pdf
TES_F5_AM_ON – Otonabee.pdf