Lithium Ion Battery Fire Extinguisher

The fluorine free solution delivering lithium ion battery fire protection to first responders and industry leaders

Lithium ion batteries are found in various contemporary devices, such as laptops and smartphones, as well as hybrid and electric vehicles due to their high energy density and reusability. However, they pose unique fire risks that differ from conventional blazes. A lithium ion battery fire, presenting Class A, Class B and Class C hazards, typically occurs due to thermal runaway. Lithium ion battery cells become overheated, which causes a chain reaction that can lead to a catastrophic fire or explosion without proper mitigation.

F-500 EA® is UL Listed Wetting Agent for Class A and Class B hazards, and further F-500 EA® has been successfully third party tested and witnessed to comply with NFPA Standard 18A, Section 7.7 – Encapsulator Agent – Spherical Micelle Stability Test. Additionally, NFPA has recognized over 15 years of independent scientific testing of F-500 EA® for the suppression of lithium-ion battery fires across multiple continents.

F-500 EA mitigates lithium ion battery fires on three distinct levels

The hazards associated with lithium ion battery fires are varied and extend far beyond flammability. To offer effective lithium battery fire protection, it’s essential to understand the unique challenges posed by these fires.



An Encapsulator Agent is an efficient lithium ion battery fire extinguisher. F-500 EA encapsulates flammable corrosive electrolyte and rapidly absorbs thermal energy from high temperature flames. This successfully halts cell-to-cell ignition, also known as thermal runaway propagation. These features allow F-500 EA to provide long term stable burn back resistance and prevent reignition.



F-500 EA ceases the production of explosive off-gases emitted by burning lithium ion batteries, such as Hydrogen (H2), Methane (CH4), and Ethylene (C2H4). This is especially important while extinguishing lithium ion battery fires within enclosed environments, such as apartments, data centers, aircraft cabins, energy storage systems, electric vehicles, and more.



Encapsulator Agents reduce the concentration of toxic off-gases produced during a lithium ion battery fire, including Hydrogen Fluoride (HF), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Many burning lithium ion batteries release both explosive and toxic off-gases, making it a necessity for firefighters to exercise caution and utilize personal protective equipment.

F-500 EA is tested, recognized, and utilized by today’s trailblazers

Renowned organizations like Bosch, General Motors, Tesla, and more are benefiting from the peace of mind provided by the world’s most versatile lithium ion battery fire extinguisher:  F-500 EA.

recognized F-500 EA
has been tested up to
3,400 Wh, far exceeding
the NEN NTA 8133
minimum of 600 Wh.
F-500 EA has
undergone over 15 years
of rigorous third-party
testing on lithium-ion
battery fires, sparked by
the European automotive
industry in 2008.
f-500 encapsulator technologyDID
A single 5-gallon
pail of F-500 EA has
been used to efficiently
extinguish a Tesla fire.


At HCT, our innovative solutions tackle fire safety concerns across a wide range of industries. Below is an overview of these industries and how we make a difference in each.



We provide automotive manufacturers and service centers with highly effective F-500 Encapsulator Agents. These specialized agents are designed to mitigate risks associated with lithium-ion fires in vehicles.



Airplanes are integrating more battery-dependent technology, making them more susceptible to lithium-ion battery fires. We help ensure both passenger and cargo aircraft are equipped with the best fire prevention and control.



We assist environmental agencies in controlling fires related to waste and hazardous materials. Our products are environmentally friendly and help in reducing the toxic emissions generated during fires.


Fire Service

Fire departments rely on our advanced fire suppression agents for rapid response and control of various types of fires, from residential to industrial. Our solutions are effective in li-ion battery fire suppression.



We provide fire safety solutions for cargo ships, fishing vessels, and passenger ships. Our products are highly effective in suppressing fires originating from fuel, chemicals, and other combustible materials commonly found on ships.



Our fire safety solutions are critical in medical settings like hospitals and clinics, particularly in areas where oxygen tanks, flammable materials, and rechargeable batteries are stored. We ensure that these facilities have the best protection against fires.



Our fire suppression agents are designed to meet the requirements of military applications. Whether it’s for combat vehicles or military bases, we provide solutions for a variety of high-risk scenarios involving lithium batteries.



Our products are particularly effective in preventing and suppressing fires that can occur in mining operations, including those involving heavy machinery and volatile materials.



For power plants, our fire suppression solutions provide robust control over fires that can occur in these high-risk environments, specifically electrical fires.



We aid recycling plants in mitigating the risks associated with fires fueled by a wide variety of recycled materials, from plastics to combustible metals.



Our Encapsulator Agents are ideal for protecting high-value tech equipment from fire damage. We serve high-risk insurance companies and fire protection engineering firms, providing them with the most advanced fire suppression solutions.



Our fire safety solutions are vital for warehouse operations where large amounts of goods are stored. We provide effective fire suppression systems that protect both inventory and personnel.

Take the next step in safeguarding your business from lithium ion battery fires.
Fill out this form to request a quote today!

Fraunhofer HHI


Fraunhofer HHI


Port Authority NY NJ



  • 2008



    Hazard Control Technologies Europe provides Bosch with F-500 Encapsulator Agent to conduct fire suppression testing on lithium-ion batteries.

  • 2009


    Bosch concludes fire suppression comparison testing of water, foam, powder and F-500 Encapsulator Agent on lithium-ion and nickel-metal hydride batteries as well as other production parts.



  • 2009



    Hazard Control Technologies Europe was invited to Bosch headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany. F-500 Encapsulator Agent was chosen as a product of choice by Bosch for extinguishing lithium-ion batteries. Bosch becomes our official reference customer.

  • 2009


    Bosch communicates their findings at VDA. The VDA nationally and internationally promotes the interests of the German automotive industry.



  • 2010


    Baden-Wurttemberg State Fire School

    Bosch shares their findings with the Baden-Wurttemberg State Fire School.

  • 2011

    Baden-Wurttemberg State Fire School

    Baden-Wurttemberg Fire School publishes an application guideline on the potential dangers involving vehicles with lithium-ion batteries referencing the use of F-500 Encapsulator Agent to mitigate lithium-ion battery hazards.



  • 2011


    BrandSchutz Magazine

    An article appears in BrandSchutz Magazine discussing the use of F-500 Encapsulator Agent for high-voltage car hazards.

  • 2012


    DEKRA issues a press release with final test reports and recommends F-500 Encapsulator Agent in an opinion letter.



  • 2013


    Formula 1

    BrandSchutz Magazine describes an incident at the Barcelona Formula 1 Grand Prix that prompted the Hockenheim Circuit to test and accept F-500 Encapsulator Agents as their only firefighting agent, replacing all foam.

  • 2013

    SAE International Conference

    DEKRA Automotive GmbH, Daimler AG and Deutsche ACCUmotive GmbH & Co. KG present the DEKRA Report findings in Detroit, MI at the SAE International Conference. The report receives attention from NFPA and the United States automotive industry.



  • 2015


    General Motors

    General Motors invites Hazard Control Technologies to their headquarters to test F-500 Encapsulator Agent on lithium-ion battery hazards.

  • 2016

    General Motors

    General Motors specifies F-500 Encapsulator Agent for their lithium-ion battery abuse lab.



  • 2016



    Tesla specifies F-500 Encapsulator Agent and installs the first F-500 Encapsulator Agent powered fire suppression system engineered and designed for battery charging areas at the Tesla Giga Factory in Sparks, NV.

  • 2016


    Jaguar standardizes on F-500 Encapsulator Agent for lithium-ion battery hazard protection.



  • 2017



    Kiwa Netherlands B.V. lithium-ion battery testing concludes F-500 Encapsulator Agent is the most effective agent on lithium-ion battery fires when tested against foam and dry chemical fire extinguishing agents.

  • 2017


    conEdison set out to test the return current back through the stream created by a hose line while looking at the variables of voltage, distance to the source and various suppression agents to establish safe standoff distances while manually extinguishing fires within a lithium-ion battery rack system. The results show that F-500 EA is safe to use at both 3% and 6% from a 10 ft distance on a 2 kV source. This 10 ft standoff distance also complies with the OSHA standard for unqualified personnel on a 1 kV source.



  • 2018


    Nanjing Tech University

    The College of Safety Science and Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, in Nanjing, China, publishes an abstract for the 8th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering summarizing previous experimental studies on lithium-ion battery fire suppression using F-500 Encapsulator Agent.

  • 2019


    Fraunhofer HHI in Goslar, Germany tests the extinguishing power of F 500 Encapsulator Agent on lithium-ion battery fires at their battery and sensor testing center.



  • 2020


    TU Clausthal

    TU Clausthal lithium-ion battery testing in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany concludes that using a 2% solution of F-500 Encapsulator Agent to extinguish a lithium-ion battery fire is significantly superior to using plain water.

  • 2021


    Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunication and Heinrich Hertz Institute, HHI conduct a sprinkler testing series on F-500 Encapsulator Agent for lithium-ion battery fire suppression.



  • 2021


    NEN NTA 8133

    F-500 Encapsulator Agent (F-500 EA) successfully completes several testing trials required to achieve the Dutch NTA 8133 standard. This is the first publication that deals with lithium-ion batteries with limited capacity up to 600 Wh. This includes electronics like smartphones, laptops, power tools, household appliances, medical equipment, drones, e-bikes, etc. Only fire extinguishers meeting these requirements, such as F-500 EA, may use the NTA 8133 marking.

  • 2022

    NFPA 18A Annex 4.3

    Encapsulator Technology is mentioned in the 2022 edition of NFPA under 18A Annex 4.3 for lithium-ion battery fire hazards. “This testing has been controlled, scientific and highly instrumented, documenting fire suppression, control and elimination of thermal runaway and encapsulation of both flammable electrolyte and other explosive off-gases, rendering them nonexplosive. Encapsulator Technology reduces the toxicity of HF gas exposure to humans.”



  • 2022


    Sapienza University of Rome

    The department of chemical engineering at Sapienza University of Rome, systems and technologies for mobility and accumulation laboratory, ENE DTE-PCU-STMA, central directorate for prevention and technical safety, CR Casaccia and the national fire brigade of Rome, Italy publish an experimental investigation of Encapsulator Technology for lithium-ion battery fire suppression.

  • 2022

    Beijing Institute of Technology

    The State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology and Beijing Institute of Technology in Beijing, China publish an experimental investigation of F-500 Encapsulator Agent on lithium-ion phosphate battery fire suppression focusing on rapid heat reduction.



  • 2022


    Beijing Institute of Technology

    The State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and TechnologyBeijing Institute of Technology and the department of engineering physics at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China publish an investigation on extinguishment mechanisms of a spherical micelle and the effectiveness of F-500 Encapsulator Agent on lithium-ion battery fires.

  • 2022

    Port Authority NY NJ

    Testing is conducted on both a lithium-ion battery pack fire as well as a fully involved hybrid vehicle fire at the Port Authority NY NJ. A drastic decrease in toxic, flammable and explosive off-gases as well as rapid drop in temperature while extinguishing these fires results in the Port Authority NY NJ implementing the utilization of F-500 Encapsulator Agent (F-500 EA) for lithium-ion battery fire suppression.



  • 2023


    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

    A detailed experimental study is conducted at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Pittsburgh Mining Research Division (PMRD). Water mist with different flow rates, ABC powder, type D dry chemical, and water mist with F-500 EA additive are used as the fire suppression agents. Multiple thermocouples are installed on the battery packs to measure the temperature evolution during the tests. The results indicate that the water mist with F-500 EA additive is the most effective suppressant among the agents tested.

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