F-500 EA Fast Response Trailers and Skid Units
Fast response trailers and skids are designed for industrial and agricultural applications where water is either not available or the pressure or flow is not optimal for firefighting. Fire extinguishers are excellent for small, incipient fires, but what if you need more knockdown capability?
Fast Response Mobile Units are pre-engineered skid platforms consisting of a 60 or 75 gallon water reservoir, pump, engine, hose and a TKO Nozzle. The units can be mounted on trailers, pick-ups, boats or even small, 4×4 utility vehicles. After arriving on the scene, start the engine and begin your attack. The F-500 Encapsulator Agent is in a two quart bottle attached to the TKO Nozzle, so F-500 EA will begin cooling, penetrating and encapsulating instantly. The 20 gpm nozzle will provide several minutes of firefighting, enough to extinguish most fires, such as a car fire, dumpster fire, brush fire or a small fire around a plant. F-500 EA’s ability to encapsulate hydrocarbons makes it excellent to neutralize small fuel spills, around 12-15 gallons.
Fast Response Mobile Trailers are customized to meet each particular hazard. With 95 gpm nozzles and 100 foot streaming distances, these trailers pack more fire suppression power than the skid units. The large 300-500 gallon reservoirs of pre-mixed F-500 EA and water, provide Fast Response Mobile Trailers with over five minutes of suppression time.