Electric Vehicle Fire SuppressionLearn More

Thermal Runaway

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Firefighter Cancer

Lithium-ion Battery Recycling Fire SuppressionLearn More

Downtime, Damage,
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Aircraft Hangar
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Electric Vehicle Fire Suppression
Prepare Your
Business for Net Zero

Our Encapsulator Technology is recognized by the NFPA for over fifteen years of scientific third-party testing on lithium-ion battery fires across multiple continents. Find out how F-500 Encapsulator Agent is mitigating lithium-ion battery fires on three levels: flammability, explosivity, and toxicity.

Start Fighting Firefighter
Cancer Risk at the Nozzle

F-500 Encapsulator Agent can reduce the concentration of carcinogenic toxins encountered by firefighters at the nozzle, on the fire ground, and in the fire station. Our Encapsulator Technology’s engineered advantages are documented by both Laval Fire Department and University of Ottawa.

Firefighter Cancer Prevention
Lithium-ion Battery Recycling Fire Suppression
Invest in Life-saving
Fire Safety Solutions

A fully involved structure fire can reach temperatures upwards of 2,000°F. However, structural integrity begins to deteriorate at much lower temperatures. A fire protection system powered by F-500 Encapsulator Agent can rapidly reduce ambient temperatures, creating safer evacuation routes for building occupants.

Make the Switch to
a Fluorine-Free Future

F-500 Encapsulator Agent is the eco-friendly answer to today’s fluorinated foam crisis. Ensure a healthier world for the next generation without sacrificing safety. Our fluorine free, biodegradable, and noncorrosive Encapsulator Technology can extinguish today’s multi-class and three-dimensional fire hazards.

Aircraft Hangar Fire Protection
Contact Us for More Info
on Hazard Control Technologies

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